eduroam usage metrics

eduroam Australia Usage Metrics

International visitors to eduroam AU Service Providers

Count of unique users per country accessing eduroam AU institution’s eduroam network over the indicated time-period.

Lifetime Usage Trends

eduroam AU Identity Providers

Unique* user remote authentications per month over the lifetime of eduroam AU.

eduroam AU Service Providers

Unique* user accesses to eduroam networks per month over the lifetime of eduroam AU.

* During any month, eduroam users may:

  • carry multiple devices accessing & authenticating to the visited institution “eduroam” network;
  • visit more than one eduroam site during a particular month.

For eduroam AU lifetime trend graphs, uniqueness is by user + visited institution (i.e. if an individual user visits 2 institutions during the month, the count is 2).

For IdP graphs for users travelling to international institutions, the visited institution is not known to eduroam AU, hence uniqueness is by user.